Everybody’s talking about employer branding, it’s the hot buzzword
today in the world of marketing and HR. But there are a few things that are still not so clear to you.
Embarrassing? Not really.
Here, we’ve saved you the embarrassment and the need to ask your Human Resources Manager or Marketing staff.
Five, four, three, two, one – and we’re off:
In recent years, the task of recruitment, especially in the high-tech industry, has become a mission (almost) impossible for HR departments.
The competition between employers is high, the best candidates are “snatched up” by huge international companies that offer dreamlike employment conditions, and only employer branding can create a relative advantage over competitors, even with limited resources.
Why? Because employer branding is based on the understanding that in addition to pay, bonuses and other material conditions, people want to work in a place that cares about them, with good people, with personal attention, the ability to advance, professional growth, and more.
All these messages are put together into an employer branding campaign and then they are passed on.
This could also confuse the HR and Marketing staff themselves, but there’s a significant difference between the two.
First, the initials are different – EB versus RM (recruitment marketing).
But seriously, Employer branding is the essence.
It’s the process of creating a reputation as an employer based on the organization’s values and defining its uniqueness first and foremost in the eyes of existing employees and of course also for potential candidates and passive candidates (those who are not yet looking for work at the moment but could be a good fit for the organization at a later stage).
The goal, presenting the organization as a desirable employer to these three groups.
Recruitment marketing is the way of marketing the employer brand to potential employees.
The set of tactics and methods of marketing the employer branding to candidates. RM is the process of promoting our employer brand through the various distribution channels – social media, blogs, employment sites and content sites.
The goal, sending the right employer brand message to the right candidate at the right time.
Just what it sounds like: conveying messages through a story.
It’s true that this is a tool that has been used since the dawn of history, but some claim that today it is the secret weapon of employer branding.
Conveying messages through a story makes them catchier, authentic and emotional. Storytelling allows the listeners / viewers / potential candidates a peek into the life of the organization, to meet the employees and form a true conception of the job being offered, the work environment and the entire organizational culture.
How is it done? Content, content, content.
Whether on the company blog, in articles, interviews with employees, and most successful of all – video clips.
Because in a world that is saturated with messages and noise, visual content acts on all the senses and creates a more significant effect.
Oh, that is an important question.
Unlike most processes at an organization that are the responsibility of one department, employer branding has both a father and a mother.
Both the HR department and the Marketing department.
This is a process that includes marketing efforts for HR purposes,
in which the two departments develop a system of cooperation and feedback (and this, by the way, is another benefit of employer branding – strengthening the connections between departments within the organization).
It’s important of course to break the process down into stages and tasks, to divide them clearly between the departments, to set expectations and to decide who’s managing what.
But the overall responsibility for the success of the process and an increase in the organization’s recruitment rate – belongs to both departments.
First of all, in order to measure and to know what exactly we’re measuring – we need to ensure that the goals of our employer branding campaign are well defined.
Now, the measuring depends on the goal we wanted to achieve.
Want to measure the increase in awareness of the organization and its employer brand?
The internet and social networks are a measurable and wonderful tool.
Comments, likes, and shares for posts, job ads, blogs and any other content.
Curious to know if there has been an increase in the recruitment rate? Check with the HR staff and recruiters – how many CVs have come in,
how many of them are relevant and have the desired characteristics.
The more of these there are – it’s a sign that the campaign has done the job.
Interested in knowing if the campaign changed something among the organization’s employees too?
Organize employee satisfaction surveys – before and after.
Do you have more questions?
You’re welcome to send them to us: employerbranding@xtra-mile.co.il
We’ll be happy to answer.