Digital Marketing Is Dead, Long Live Digital Marketing


Do you think that announcing the death of digital marketing is outrageous? After all, only a few years ago we buried traditional marketing (print is dead, long live digital!), and talked about digital becoming mainstream.

So digital indeed became mainstream, perhaps even too mainstream. We don’t mean to say that we should stop using digital channels; we mean to say we must change how we approach or consume them. In terms of advertising and marketing, digital has changed and conquered so much around the world that everyone is dancing to its tune, even if they don’t know how to dance.

Digital marketing stopped being a niche channel a long time ago. This is the first thing we must understand when we evaluate current market trends and gear ourselves for the future.

Once it became ubiquitous and available to all, anybody became a marketer. Moreover, many marketing people make a good living out of it, losing sight of the methodology and core values. In this confusing mix, small businesses invest their best time, effort and money in futile attempts to promote themselves, while medium and large businesses get the help of marketing experts. The latter, not always through their own fault, cannot always follow the dynamic changes in the space and make the distinction between online and offline.

Anyone can start a YouTube page, upload video clips and grab virtual real estate that does not bear any fruits. If the advertiser’s family, neighbors and close friends watch the clip, that doesn’t really mean that the channel is active and has views and hits.

Every business has a Facebook page, but in most cases page does not have traffic and just collects dust. In other cases, these pages are managed by marketing people who are always chasing after empty numbers and results without taking funnels and true engagement into account.

This flood of information, alongside lack of practical knowledge, turn digital marketing into a very messy workspace. On the other hand, when the marketing space is filled with experienced professionals, a new opportunity arises to shine and achieve objectives, exposure and leads, very often even at the expense of the competition.

Digital Marketing Is Not Really Dead – The World around It Awoke to the Digital Life

Another concept we must internalize is that the entire world has become digital. Leading companies are working day and night to develop solutions and ideas for the Internet of Things (IoT). Refrigerators talk to us, glasses tell us what to look at, more than half our day is managed by a 5-inch screen, and other many examples abound. From now on then, don’t say digital marketing’ but rather ‘marketing in the digital world Life.

B2B marketing is usually managed alongside B2C or a few steps behind. But as time goes by, methodologies become more and more similar and they all adapt solutions and assimilate lessons learned. In the digital sphere, it doesn’t really matter who is the target audience on the other side, after all, communications are through computer screens, which have become the standard sales medium. B2B marketing professionals already know that each customer or marketing campaign they promote has a single strategy, a single predefined budget and a single objective. The difference is in the number and type of tools, in the tactics and operational channels at their disposal. Having said that, there is a still a true need for human touch and traditional marketing tools like meetings and other events. The world’s digitalization requires marketing people to align to the strategy, convey the message, and reinforce the user experience – all through the variety of tools and mechanisms at its disposal.

Those who learn to mix and match these tools and transmit the message through thousands of funnels until reaching the target audience are the ones that will reap the best results for their customers and for themselves.

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