Guerilla Marketing – Cheap but Effective


Guerilla is the opposite of a gorilla. Guerilla is small, focused, creative, original, sharp, distinct and, most of all, low cost. A gorilla is not.

Guerilla marketing relies on capabilities, not on resources; on the ability to turn talent, knowledge, tricks and business intelligence into something creative. A minor but smart battle that can promote the war or even win it.

Why guerilla marketing?

In a market flooded with advertising and marketing activities, it is very difficult to stand out and be memorable. Many times, however, extremely creative ideas are born from low budgets and other constraints that touch people and become something they talk about.

Guerilla marketing creates an experience in the heart of consumers, visitors, users and observers in unique ways that generate an echo in the media, something to talk about. The end goal is to surprise, take people out of their indifference and turn a subject, product or service into a topic of conversation and buzz.

What should you do to make sure that your guerilla marketing tactics are successful?

First of all, you have to focus on a single objective and on a specific target audience. The more you know your target audience, the more successful you’ll be developing a brief that will interest them. If you know what your audience likes and wants, what bores them, what piques their curiosity, where they go, etc., you’ll be able to encounter them in those junctions and make them curious and surprised.

Guerilla marketing can be creative on its own, use existing media or be part of a concept that creates new media. These are some of the main guerilla marketing tactics:

Ambient – ambient marketing and advertising that use existing elements to promote a product, giving it added value through its positioning.    This is not only creative and surprising but also fosters an interaction between the observer and the ad.

Improv – a true and concrete encounter with your customers wherever they are. Dancers, artists or other skilled people create live scenes in front of people, attract their attention while at the same time marketing your product.

Viral – viral marketing motivates via the Internet. Blogs, posts, videoclips – all address specific groups with a focused message. Creative and interesting ideas will drive people to share them.

Undercover marketing – also known as stealth marketing, this tactic conceals marketing elements/people within a crowd to affect how consumers think without them being aware of it.

The combination of different marketing tactics is called New Media. As with any other marketing strategy, it is the synergy that makes these methods more significant and effective.

In the past, guerilla marketing was considered the ideal solution for small, low-budget companies. However, it’s significant and interesting impact led large companies to embark in guerilla tactics that ‘bridge gaps’, get potential customers closer to their products and services, and establish a relationship of trust in their product. Moreover, classic guerilla marketing is ideal for B2C because, at the end of the day, it is another way of reaching more people.

Likewise, if you keep in mind that behind B2B there is also people, you can apply this strategy to your B2B marketing, at conferences or at other points of encounter with potential clients. This will help you generate a targeted and marked effect, and your company will be perceived as innovative, creative and up to speed.

How is this done?

Let’s take, for example, an information-security company that wants to demonstrate how its solution ‘follows’ each threat that invades a system. The company decided to illustrate its concept by decorating the space of its conference booth as an information system in which people were the potential threats. It fitted hosts with special head cameras. They walked about the conference’s crowd taking pictures and transmitting them online to screens in the company’s booth, thus successfully conveying the idea of the ‘big brother’ syndrome.

Conversely, an office furniture store placed its office chairs along a conference’s pathways. All visitors and potential buyers were exposed to and experienced the product exactly when they needed it and in real time.

The idea doesn’t have to be complex or sophisticated, it just has to be different. It truly requires thinking out of the box, creating something extraordinary that is not banal. It requires creativity, originality, and thinking of an experiential concept that will force potential customers to encounter the product itself, not its datasheet.

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