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Employer branding process

Employer branding varies from company to company and is adapted to the specific needs of each. The basic methodology, however, is very similar, and includes concepts like target audience analysis, strong messaging and the ability to process critical data for the success of the process.
banana 12 - Resources

Inbound marketing checklist

All the basics you need to know when approaching an inbound marketing campaign.
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Effective landing pages

Are your landing pages not giving you the results you want? You have several writers but none of them seems to nail it? Are you using the right visuals? The Golden Rules of Effective Landing Pages will help you write effective landing pages and capture more visitors’ information.
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Effective inbound tactics

The methodology behind inbound B2B marketing sets a clear path for driving customers to your business: Attract → Convert → Close. To map this journey, you must understand the psychological and behavioral processes that potential customers experience. You have to learn what interests them and what they consider important.
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Digital inbound marketing

Today, everybody knows the components of classic and digital marketing, but having this knowledge is not enough. What Is Inbound Marketing? Learn more and get the 10 Essentials for B2B Marketing Success in the Digital World.
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