
We tell it like it is

EVPEmployee 1 - Turning EVP to employee experience 

Turning EVP to employee experience 

Say what? Considering that 90% of the current job market is candidate-driven (rather than by organizations), HR has had no choice but to evolve over the past 5-6 years to attract quality talent and retain employees.  Organizations are adding marketing strategies, expressing their unique DNA and value proposition, and aimed at employee satisfaction and retention. […]
CaregivingERG 1 - Caregiving ERG

Caregiving ERG

Let’s talk more about how to care for your caregivers with dignity >> In the past 15 years, the number of adult children caring for elderly and/or ill parents has tripled itself. One out of four (mostly Baby Boomers) is caring for a parent while being in the midst of their careers and aspirations beyond […]
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