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Account based marketing - marketing strategy

Account based marketing – marketing strategy

ABM is much more than a trendy marketing strategy. It’s a full-fledged methodology that revolves around quality rather than quantity. It’s not about counting leads but about concentrating your efforts on a small number of accounts that can increase your ROI.
What is Account Based Marketing?

What is Account Based Marketing?

ABM (Account Based Marketing ) is a marketing strategy based on innovatively using new technologies that provide the ability to aim customized messaging to specific targeted account and business persona within this account. This enables companies to concentrate on attentive relationships with specific businesses and their relevant decision makers.
Five things you must know Before Starting Your ABM Campaign

Five things you must know Before Starting Your ABM Campaign

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) shakes things up in digital marketing by changing the focus from thousands of anonymous leads to a handful of cherry-picked individuals. An ABM campaign has the potential of generating far more value than most online campaigns since some businesses only need a few of the right type of client to hit their yearly numbers. But a successful account based marketing campaign is no simple task, and before you embark on your such an excursion, you should make sure you're prepared.
ABM - Account Based Marketing - Catching The Leviathan

ABM – Account Based Marketing – Catching The Leviathan

ABM is akin to a lone archer trying to hit the bullseye on several targets, taking his time to aim each arrow so that it'll have the best chances of scoring high.
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